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Chatter free star drill holes. The reaction of minerals and ROCK!
A rock is made up of 2 or more minerals, each mineral has a different hardness and toughness. Hardness is the resistance to scratching and toughness is the resistance to breaking.
The hardness of a mineral or crystal is ranked from 1 to 10 on the MOHs scale with diamond being the hardest (10). Minerals with higher numbers will breach/scratch lower numbers, never in reverse. This is a physical law.
A diamond is made up of 6 neutrons and 6 protons in an isometric (cubic) crystal system (carbon 12). Although a diamond is the hardest natural substance on earth it can cleave (split) along any of its 4 directions of atomic planes of weakness called cleavage planes.
Similar to the rings in wood. An axe striking the tree along the growth lines will split, whereas a perpendicular strike from the axe against the grain line (chopping) will not split wood.
Like a diamond, the mineral fluorite (hardness 4) can cleave or split in 4 directions. A blunt force applied to the fluorite’s cleavage plane will cause the atomic planes to weaken and separate.
A toughness demonstration is provided below by taking a hammer to each mineral and observing the results. Hammering or pounding a blunt object against a rock will cause numerous microscopic uneven fractures causing a crumbling effect.
(Above) Hammering or pounding a fully faceted .005 carat diamond on a rock. After being struck with a hammer the 1mm in diameter diamond created a crumbly indentation into the rock. The force of the hammer blow caused the teeny tiny diamond to cleave right in half.
(Below) Hammering or hitting a faceted round sunstone feldspar on a diorite rock. The sunstone shattered and crumbled with 25 percent of the crystal left over from smashing. The only place in the world to obtain fine red sunstone colored by copper is in Oregon.
Oregon sunstone has a hardness of 6-6.5 and cannot be scratched by a steel hammer, however due to cleavage planes, fracture points, and atomic makeup, the sunstone unevenly breaks apart when stuck by a steel hammer due to the sunstones poor tenacity (resistance to blows).
Quartz has of hardness of 7 and shows uneven (large and small) fractures when stuck by a hammer.
Banging rock or any type of pneumatic striking of a rock (jack hammers) will break the minerals within a rock leaving behind uneven surfaces (never straight).
(Below) Mica is not a hard mineral but can easily be split into extremely thin elastic plates. The splitting of these plates of mica is called parting. Mica is non-flammable, and works great as a thermal insulator.
Ultra ancient star shape drill holes with precision are found in the united states and world wide. Star holes are not mistakes by a tool that got stuck in the hole. Star holes are not created by a chattering metal bar vibrating and hitting the rock. Precision ultra ancient star drill holes are created using high speed ultrasonics with hard abrasives.
(Below) Chatter marks on a malleable metal bar showing tiny repetitive dents caused by blunt striking. Rock is not malleable so when a rock is stuck by an object the minerals within the rock will crumble away unevenly.
(Below) Pounding the minerals in basalt rock with an orbicular diorite pounding stone will crumble the minerals in basalt.
Whacking or beating the basalt rock hole with a metal bar, side to side at high speed will create cracks and uneven surfaces within the hole (rough chipping).
A rod vibrating and smacking the inside walls side to side of this round drill hole will NOT create a precision 5-point star drill hole.
Banging, chipping, pounding, and the use of pneumatic hammers will not create a precision star drill hole in stone.
A precision made 5-point star drill hole in rock has 10 vector sides and 5 points.
A chattering metal bar of any shape cannot achieve 10 vectors of precision cutting.
An ultra ancient star drill hole having an internal spiral (rifling effect) is not caused by a chattering metal tool whacking the stone side to side.
Word to the Ultra Arky, do not trust old or new research papers that do not apply to the known physics of nature.
Test everything and trust no one repeating (cut and paste) information that does not work (especially internet forums).
Ultrasonic drilling with a round metal tube will create a precision round hole in stone (above left). A tube made in the shape of a star will produce a star shaped hole. If a twist is made in the star shape metal tube, the hole will have the same twist.
(Below) A large ultrasonically drilled 5-point star drill hole with an internal twist (Mexico).
Ultra ancient star drill holes here in the USA and worldwide are drilled using ultrasonic technology. Star drill holes are not mistakes made by a chattering metal tool hitting the rock side to side.
(Below) Star drill hole in Arizona.
Ultra ancient star drill holes are smooth inside due to high speed grinding with a single star shape metal tube and hard abrasive slurry.
(Below 3 images) A 5-point star drill hole made in granite from Arizona.
(Below) Ultrasonically creating five point star drill holes in granite.
The shape of the metal tube dictates the shape of the hole made. All minerals are ground away evenly when using ultrasonics.
(Below) star drill holes made in a 440 carat amethyst, quartz. Observing the drill hole through the transparent amethyst allows for visual observation of the machine marks made by high speed drilling. Ultrasonic drill holes often have step-like cut marks running perpendicular to the holes length.
Ultrasonic star shape drill holes found around the world are precision made via high speed grinding. The number of lobes or points is determined by the drawplate.
(Below) Ultrasonic star drill holes having 5, 6, and 7 points.
To make a star tube, force a round metal tube through a star shape metal hole (drawplate).
What about making an 8 lobed star drill hole?
To make an 8 lobed star drill hole in stone, we will need an 8 pointed drawplate hole in which to shape the tube. (Below) A metal drawplate with 8 pointed star hole cut outs.
Although the metal drawplate has sharp points, the metal tube has rounded points when exiting the drawplate. Understanding malleability, ductility, and annealing of metal is important knowledge when making star tubes.
The star and rectangle shape metal tubes are soldered to metal horns. The metal horn amplifies the ultrasonic vibrations from the ultrasonic machine down to the shaped tube.
The shape of the tube will dictate the shape of the hole.
The entrance side of the rock when drilling will have a slightly larger hole with less refinement.
As the drill grinds deeper in the hole, there is less room for the tube to oscillate causing a smaller hole with better refinement.
The United States of America has ultrasonic drill holes containing 5, 6, and 7 points (recorded).
(Below) Some ultra ancient person took it to 11 and made this wonderful precision star drill hole consisting of 11 lobes or points.
This concludes the first ten blogs of condensed information for the Ultra Arky (vortex in).
The next ten blogs will be expanding reality (vortex out).
Documentary center point.
As we exit the center, we are ready to expand on what we have learned and apply this knowledge toward unlocking the secrets of this most ancient land we now call America.
In a world of mis information and chitter-chatter being taught, it will take brave people to make a stand and clean up the mistakes. In order to move humanity forward, a team of free thinkers not controlled by silly ideologies and non workable solutions will be assembled. A team that will problem solve, kick ass, and make way for a prosperous generation Z.
It is not wise to use new found knowledge against others or to hurt people that are unaware and not ready. The Ultra Arky never punks people, WE PUNK ROCK!
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