Ultra Jewelry Design, Lapidary Art, and Ancient Ultrasonic Machine Marks.
Lapidary involves stone, gems, and the work involved in engraving, cutting, and polishing stone.
A unit of weight used by gemologist to weigh small stones is the carat. The term carat came from the carob seed. The carob seed had an average weight of .20 grams (1/5 gram) and was used for measuring the approximate weight of a stone. 5 carob seeds equaled 1 gram. Later the term was changed to carat. 5 carats equals 1 gram.
The below 5.91 carat red sunstone was mined in oregon at the ponderosa mine. The cutter of the sunstone used a faceting machine and created perfect flat planes with a high polish. Some facets are concave. The tiny microscopic plates of copper glitter in reflected light
This glittery effect inside sunstone is called schiller. The metal copper is also the coloring agent for this red feldspar. The only place in the world where you can find and hand mine this natural untreated bright red gemstone is in oregon. The red gold portion of the ring was colored by adding copper to yellow gold.
Gold is found in nature having a yellow color. By adding additional metals to yellow gold, the color changes. Nickle is added to create white gold and silver causes a green color in gold.
The fineness or percentage of gold is measured in karats. 24 karat is pure gold, 18 karat is 75% gold, 14 karat is 58% gold, and 10 karat is 41% gold.
Pictured below is a proposal of how a ring is to be fashioned. Carved and faceted gemstones set in yellow, white, green, and red gold. The percentage of gold used in the ring will be 75% or 18 Karat.
Until the ring is fully created in tangible form the drawing is purely speculation. The ring cannot be created or understood without having knowledge of jewelry manufacturing arts and lapidary arts.
Extreme designing or Ultra designing encompases inovative techniques to expand the artist pallet and create beyond the conventional.
The below ring was carved from a wax, pieces of the wax were removed, then cast in separate colors of gold. After casting and clean up, the colored gold pieces were soldered back together, creating one ring of various gold colors.
No prongs are used in ultra designing. All fasioned stones are framed in precious metal. Framing allows a marriage between metal and stone, where they become one. Unsightly and annoying prong work will take away from the stones fluid form.
Pictured below is a faceted briolette made of 2 pieces of colored glass. Inside the blue and green briolette is a precision cut internal 5 point star shape drill hole filled with luminescent powder mixed with adhesive (it glows). To the right is a machined sandstone and glass structure created by a grinding saw and flat lap. The star shape holes and cores are of ultrasonic machining.
Once we understand the type of machining technique used to carve stone by the ancient builders we no longer have to call the impressions in stone, witness marks (observation only) or technosignatures (signs of technology).
Precision round drill holes with perpendicular cut marks found on both the core and the hole are of ultrasonic machining. Both hole and core have a slight taper equal to one another.
Perfect rifled star shaped drill holes with smooth internal lobes are also created by high-speed ultrasonic machining.
All marks made by high-speed machining are called machine marks.
As we study, understand, and use the exact machining method used by the ancient builders, we are able to identify and explain how the mark was made by demonstratating the process and replicaing the exact work in stone..
Flat lap grinding (faceting) creates perfect flat surfaces. A spinning diamond drill cannot make a precision star shape hole in stone, ultrasonic machining allows for any shape hole to be produced.
Round and square shape ultrasonic drill holes are found in egypt and worldwide. Star shape holes are found in the usa and worldwide. The shape of the hole is created by the shape of the tube.
Ultrasonic star shape drill holes created in the above amethyst are identical to the ancient star drill hole found in mexico (below) and worldwide.
Following mysteries is fun, however, it is wise to avoid speculation, or any form of theory taught by people who do not understand the nature of minerals and the effects of high speed machining of rock.
The advanced lapidary artist can recreate in stone what researchers today say is impossible. Speculation that the ancient builders used ultrasonic technology is correct, however speculation is only a forethought until the work is achieved.
An engineer with understanding of crystal piezoelectricity, transducers, and metal fabrication could build an ultrasonic machine, evaluate the results made in stone with a research paper, write a book on ultrasonic drilling, and become world famous for being the first person in proving ultrasonic technology as one of the many technologies used in the ancient past.
Unfortunately, this has not transpired; therefore, we must learn from the lapidary artist that uses the Ultrasonic machine to shape the rock identical to that of ancient builders.
The peer group that understands ancient machining of stone is made up of people who study and master the art of lapidary.
The Ultra Arky (UA) is an extreme lapidary artist who also studies the science of Nature to understand additional advanced technologies used by the ancient builders.
Fame, followers, and money are of little importance to the UA.
Meekness is not weakness and mysteries can be solved.
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