
Scoop marks made in stone (Level 1) continued….

The previous blog discussed how scoop marks were made in stone using a shovel shaped tool and ultrasonically vibrating the tool against the rock with abrasive powder in water (slurry).

(Above) A moat was created to keep the abrasive and water together, the vibrating tool aggressively removes unwanted rock and turns it into fine grains that remixes with the slurry (abrasive in water).

The created moat holds the slurry in place for continues rock removal.


For the Ultra Arky, awareness and understanding of ultrasonic scooping, carving, and drilling of stone created in ancient times is level 1 (awareness).

If you do not have a moat, the abrasive in water must be poured over the area to be worked by gravity feeding the slurry.


(Below) Straight scoop marks made with a round metal tube.  Thanks to the high-speed carving ability of ultrasonics the metal tube easily slides through the rock without any disturbance to surrounding carved areas. Clean and fast.

As the hard abrasive slurry is introduced upon the work area, any shaped vibrating tube or tool will make its mark in stone.

(Below) Ultrasonically drilling rock using different shaped tools. A 5-point star hole is drilled in less than a half millimeter from the stones inside wall (below right).

If the tool lightly taps the rock, it will leave its mark. Because ultrasonic carving and drilling is achieved using an ultrasonic machine, we call these impressions in rock, machine marks.

Ultrasonic machine marks can be the hole itself, the core, or mistakes made by the drilling operator. Human operators of machines can make mistakes.


Lasers and high pressure water jets make straight line cuts-outs in stone while ultrasonic drilling leaves behind tapered stone cores and holes.

(Above) Tools used to drill the stone and the cores placed back inside the tube. The hole and core are carved at the same time and in one continous motion.


(Below left) Machine marks made by lightly touching the tool to stone. The stone obelisk shows shaped drill holes containing drill tube and cores.


Ultra Arky Levels of understanding.


Level 1 (Awareness).

Awareness that there were worldwide civilizations in the distant past creating precision stonework outside our conventional lapidary tools and capabilities.

Level 2 (Machines and the Mineral World)

Machines that created ancient carvings in stone. Explore crystal activation via piezo and pyro-electricity, vibration in ultrasonics, power of cavitation, and synthesizing minerals (crystals).

Level 3 (Sacred Geometry and Bendall’s Bagel)

Randall Carlson’s Sacred Geometry and Malcom Bendall’s Plasmoid Unification Model.

Level 4 (Leap of the way… The Shamir)

Finalizing unsolved mysteries of pre flood eras and exploring the bible using the science of nature, especially that of King Solomons extraordinary tool cutter. The Shamir. Power of the mind.

Level 5 (All Mystery understood and remastered)


Levels 1-2-3 can be learned at anytime and in no specific order. The levels are not linear in understanding, they are more like sacred geometry, having ratios and important relationships to one another.

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