Lost ancient machining tools and honoring the master builders of long ago

Below are geometric drill holes made in granite along with the tools that shaped the holes. Being able to see these shaped metal tools helps identify the drilling technique. The shaped tools indicate ultrasonic drilling.

What would happen to the rock and the metal tools 2,000 years from today or even 10,000 years ago in the distant past?


In both cases the metal tools will disappear by natural weathering, erosion, and chemical breakdown, yet the stone and its holes remain intact. Tools disintegrate over time and rock stays.

The mineralized rock will survive while the steel metal tubes break down and reconstitute into the soil as rust (iron). Copper based alloyed tools will also breakdown into a dust and disappear over time.


Found around the world are ancient star shape drill holes made in stone. Because no tools are found that created the star holes, we must reverse engineer what works and disregard what doesn’t work.

A civilization able to create and vibrate a metal shaped tube with abraisive straight through solid granite at record speed is highly advanced. Compared to our lapidary tools used today, ultrasonic carving is far superior. The ability to carve precision images in stone in one contiuous motion is not of todays conventional technology.


More impressive than shaping a metal tube for making a star hole in stone is the below ultrasonically stamped granite rock where a single metal die is used to create the impression. A machined metal die used for ultrasonic carving will leave a perfect indentation in the stone and be a mirror reflection of the die. The shape of the die dictates the shape of stone impression.
Unlike other technologies, ultrasonic carving occurs  in one continuous motion where all the perfect images are carved down and ground away at the same time and rate. The total amount of time to ultrasonically stamp this impression in granite would be less than 10 minutes.
The extraordinary details made in this granite carving is a direct result of a precision made metal die.
The owls head is evenly proportioned with perfectly aligned brows, keel line nose, and smooth rounded cheek. The chip on the owls nose is caused by a blunt object hitting the granite. A blunt object hitting hard stone is not machining.
Perfect control of cutting was made in the tapering claw. All minerals of quartz, mica, and feldspar are ground away evenly. The zig-zag indentations have no mistakes, are smooth, and appear as perfect internal  90 degree angled walls.

Fine details in hand, fingers, and palm combined with the hand-held object are all precision cut.

The process of creating a rounded point opposite a sharp point with no internal or external mistakes is masterful.
Intaglio is a term used to describe an indentation in stone, whereas a cameo protrudes out and away from the stones surface. Below indentations are intaglio style.
The shaped domes are even and surfaces are smooth with no tool marks. 90 degree angles are crisp and sharp.
A master artist designed and fabricated the metal die for ultrasonic stamping. The science of nature helped make the carving possible.
The animal renditions showing ideal muscular and bone structures are impressive. The carvings show a high understanding of animal anatomy.
In conclusion,
Advanced stone carving at this level of precision is created by an advanced civilization.  Learning these techniques of ancient  construction  will  better equip our understanding of what the builders were communicating in stone. If we cannot re-create the same technology in stone how can we decipher their meaning or function?
The owl, lion, and some symbols are of nature. The machining process is also based on nature (sound technology). Study only machined hieroglyphs as they were the original creation of the builders.
The meaning behind machined hieroglyphs should not be viewed as vowel sounds, rather meaningful thoughts put into stone. Talking without speaking and communicating without vowel sounds.

The tools and knowledge of ancient machining are gone. Replicating this lost artform and teaching it to people is my way of honoring the master builders of long ago.


The advanced builders that created the masterful stonework worldwide deserve great respect for the work they rendered in stone.


Less advanced people from our recent past have inherited this masterful stonework and should not be given credit for the machining of stone as it is clearly outside their knowledge and ability.

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