The ABSOLUTE BEST way to discover hidden stone secrets in 2024. Take an easy walk (eyes open) Ancient Ultrasonic Star Shape Drill Holes Located in Massachusetts. We commonly associate ancient stone...

Gemology, Jewelry, and Ancient Lapidary
Way of the Ultra Arky Coral fossilized by chalcedony is piezoelectric. How to machine stone like the ancient builders. If you are serious about learning the ancient art of ultrasonic rock machining...

Ultrasonic Stone Drilling Old and New
Ancient ultrasonic drill holes found along an old granite quarry in Saxony, Germany. The best way to understand ultrasonic drilling is to observe the work created in rock or stone, especially along...

Ultra Design and Lapidary
Ultra Jewelry Design, Lapidary Art, and Ancient Ultrasonic Machine Marks. Lapidary involves stone, gems, and the work involved in engraving, cutting, and polishing stone. Ultra Jewelry Design by...

Ultra Arky Levels
Levels Scoop marks made in stone (Level 1) continued. The previous blog discussed how scoop marks were made in stone using a shovel shaped tool and ultrasonically vibrating the tool against the rock...

Bricks, Bandits, and Scoops
Scoop Marks Made in Stone (LEVEL 1) Before trying to understand ancient scoop marks in stone, one needs to learn the primitive techniques as well. Every past culture had a type of technology, some...

11. The Master Node and becoming Nature
Birds and the 33rd parallel To understand the pyramids, you must become the pyramids. First, we must learn the science of nature. No individual person can do this alone. Once we understand all nature...

Center Point (X) of Documentary Chatter free star drill holes. The reaction of minerals and ROCK! A rock is made up of 2 or more minerals, each mineral has a different hardness and toughness. Hardness...

Machined Stone in America
Hot silica and Ultra Ancient Star Drill Holes in America (USA). Ancient means old. Ultra ancient means extremely old. Silicon (Si) and Oxygen (O) combined are the chemical elements that make up...