Rise of the Ultra Arky and fun with Flintstones

In the last century many researchers from all disciplines have feverishly tried to solve how ancient builders made precision carvings in stone. I’m not a historian of ancient civilizations but I do like solving anything said to be impossible when it comes to Rock.


I applaud and value all researchers but the few that teach primitive techniques with child-like understanding? No one can help these Flintstones. Humanity suffers from their misinformation.

If we do not have a workable solution, we are left with mystery and speculation only. Using today’s technology to understand the past advanced stone construction will render us lost and confused. The ancient builders used advanced technologies much different than we understand today. I will share and demonstrate more of these ancient technologies in upcoming blogs.


For now, the ultra arky is always in the solution, never relying on mystery alone (half-truths). Half-truths avail nothing. Nature reveals 100 percent truth, we humans lie for whatever reason.


Below is a precision-made granite propeller being sold as an ancient art sculpture.

The ultra arky would analyze this granite propeller’s blades for damage due to the implosive destruction caused by pressure waves created by the submerged propeller in motion. Functionality is part and parcel to understanding purpose. Arky forensics.


Pressure waves caused by a spinning propeller in water will create tiny bubbles that under pressure will collapse or implode causing destruction along propeller blades. (Implosions by cavitation)

After the bubble collapses it creates an outward shockwave (not shown above) from its center point. The shockwave will obliterate almost anything in its radius. Granite and metal are no match for the implosive power of cavitation. This inward force supersedes that of the external force.


The Greeks and Romans did not create megalithic construction with machined stone. They could only repurpose the smaller pieces. Some researchers acknowledge this, but many do not understand this at all.

The giant cores pictured above in limestone are machined using ultrasonics and a giant metal tube with hard abrasive. Metallurgy, fabrication, and ultrasonics were mastered by these builders as they produced giant limestone cores with ease. The proof of ultrasonic tube drilling is captured in stone.


The primitive techniques being taught by the flitstones of how the (below) limestone cores were created and extracted from quarry is not only laughable but is an insult to all science.  The ultra arky does not give power to impractical  teachings.

(Below) Giving this carved green stone (identified as Chlorite) the purpose of being a bracelet is speculative. Chlorite easily scratches and should not be advised for wearability by any competent jewelry designer, past or present.


 However, the drill hole shows signs of ultrasonic cut marks made by a high-speed oscillating tube with abrasives. The inside cut marks, although slightly worn down, are from tool adjustment while drilling. Having drilled over 5,000 ultrasonic drill holes in various rocks of both low and high hardness, the drill holes I create and have observed contain the same precision cut marks (Machine marks) found on this green semi-translucent carved stone pictured below.

Understanding the minerals contained within a rock or crystal can give clues in detecting where the source of the stone was originally mined (the primary source).


The ultra designed ring below has gemstones (faceted crystals) mined from around the world. 

Practicing gemologists can help locate where these crystals originated based on the internal microscopic minerals contained within and a full geographical database of all crystal and mineral locations known so far.

I prefer bright colors in my ULTRA designs over inclusions (internal clarity characteristics). The internal world of crystals can tell you where the crystal was mined and trace elements associated with its creation. 


Abrasive on paper will remove material based on the speed used. Using a hand to move the paper really fast will be uneven due to improper stability of the hand. The electric orbital sander shown below is SUPER fast at 160 orbits per second. ULTRA is faster than SUPER. An ultrasonic tube will vibrate approximately 17,000-19,500 orbits per second, scraping faster than any rotating diamond drill.

Ancient machining of stone requires ULTRA fast vibrating tools with knowledge of extracting hard abrasive stone or synthesizing hard abrasives.


Below are examples of Ultrasonic star shape drill holes in stone. The star holes found around the world have unique marks that are distinguishable from rotary tool marks made today.

Ultrasonic grinding is ultra fast leaving sharp indentations even after thousands of years. Ultrasonic tube drilling creates perfect holes and walls in one continuous motion.

If the above images or my writing has you a little uneasy and off guard, please…….  DON’T PANIC.

An exciting adventure awaits you!


Learn the importance of past ice ages, comet impact proxies found in the YDB layer, and other important information of lost ancient civilizations and past global catastrophic events that reshaped the earth we live on. You can learn as I did by researching the work of Graham Hancock, Randal Carlson, and many others. Without understanding our amazing past we may not be ready for what awaits us in our near future.

This concludes the ULTRA series of blogs (Ultra, Next Ultra, and Ultra after next).


As for the flintstones around the world teaching half-truths and purposely deceiving our fellow brothers and sisters (Humanity), I have one last move quote to share……


And you know this!



(Friday, Next Friday, Friday After Next)

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