Birds and the 33rd parallel

To understand the pyramids, you must become the pyramids. First, we must learn the science of nature. No individual person can do this alone. Once we understand all nature, we will build pyramids again. Deviation from this will end in failure.


If you have difficulty in your search for this website dealing with ancient technology, try using a different search engine.

If your search engine is not in the know? A different engine is the way to go.

In ultra-ancient times the technology mastered was that of nature. You can see it in the machined stone.  These people were highly intelligent, observant, and masters of nature science.


Depending on wind factor, a flock of ducks will commonly land on a body of water in a south-north alignment, usually landing and facing magnetic north.

The head of an owl is a parabolic dish that is able receive and triangulate a target using sound. A nocturnal owl on a winter day can hunt its target using sound to triangulate and locate its target. The owl is fully blind during the day but can find a hidden target under feet of snow by using its superpower of triangulation. Natures GPS.

Tapping in. I cannot run my ultrasonic machine without a power source.


Today, thanks to Nichola Tesla, we use electricity from an AC outlet for powering our machines. For a person not understanding our technology today, this would be foreign, alien, or magic to them. 

The ultra-ancients (extremely ancient people) understood nature and how to tap into its sources of energy production.

The earth as a dodecahedron has 12 nodal points of energy focus. Invisible energy lines (rivers of energy) when intersecting one another can create points of energy focus, a node.

If Nichola Tesla had the correct frequency and location of a nodal point on earth, he could generate free energy. The 12 nodes are available on land in a few places, the map below was copied off the internet to show a similar representation of nodal points. Like the points of a garnet dodecahedron crystal, the location points of intersection are not perfectly aligned.

Ancient construction sites are commonly built along or near energy lines and nodal points.

Similar to a plasma sphere, when your finger touches the outside ball, the energy is focused on the area of contact.

In order to find the nodal point, we need another cross reference to help locate the zone of energy, therefore, we need to follow nature. Birds can lead us to it.


The iron bearing mineral magnetite gets its name from its ability to be attracted by a magnet (magnetism). The crystal form or shape of magnetite is octahedral. 

Placing two pyramids base to base creates the octahedron shape.

Cliff swallows have a magnetite mineral chip in their head that allows them to detect and follow magnetic flows of energy.

The migrating swallows leave Goya, Argentina on February 18th and arrive at San Juan Capistrano on the spring equinox (March 19), traveling more than 7,000 miles to reach the energy node. The swallows return to Goya during the fall equinox.

The 30 day flight of the swallows encompasses Bolivia, Peru, Guatemala, and Mexico, all of which include ancient building sites made of machined rock.

The birds superpower of detecting electromagnetic fields of energy is a superpower we do not yet posses. Our additional superpower abilities are turned off so-to-speak.

I did not find the node by following the swallows and 33rd parallel. What caught my attention was the precision carving made in machined rock (volcanic Tuff) and the polygonal construction without any binding agent (mortar), and all this hidden under a canopy of primitive made dried mud brick (adobe).

All nature is based on the golden ratio as seen in the below fossilized nautilus (440 million year old Ammonite). Understanding this flow is a step in becoming nature. 

To understand the flow of nature, we must understand its shape. As a demonstration (below), I set some nautilus shells side by side. A straight wire cannot flow or travel through the shells with its straight shape, its impossible.

Use a solid round object such as a pencil and wrap the straight wire around until you create a spring-like spiral.

Once you have made your spiral wire, place it near the shell’s opening and twist clockwise. The spiral wire now easily travels through all shells with no obstruction. A counter clockwise rotation will reverse the spring back out.

The above steel wire spring can be shaped back to a straight shape by using a drawplate.

Instead of using a steel wire that has no memory of shape, we can use a metal wire with a set memory.

Mixing near equal amounts of 2 elements (nickel and titanium) will create a memory metal (Nitinol).

Wrap the nitinol wire into a spiral shape.  With your fingers, hold the spiral at one end and dip it into HOT water. In a fraction of a second, the nitinol spring will immediately transform (by memory) to its original straight shape. 

We humans were created from the mineral realm and as a result we are its artificial intelligence. As we synthesize the mineral realm, we became the creator.


I will need help in creating this documentary as my superpower does not include digital media and computers. I have been letting go of our technology used today in order to transform myself and better understand the science of nature. 


The native people of california understood plants.

The native people used the full soap root plant for making brushes, glue, and sometimes for fishing. 

The soap root plant can be found on the mesa hills of california and are distinguishable from other plants by their wavy leaves. The leaves dry up during the summer and blow away during the Fall.

Remove the outside bristle husk and unveil the onion-like root within. When mixed with water the root creates a lathery solution that can remove poison oils (poison oak) from your skin.

Collecting and carrying soap root when hiking is a good idea if you are allergic to poison oak.

The soap root is edible only after boiling and drying. The neuro toxin contained within the root can be used to paralyze fish. Collecting numerous soap root plants and agitating the river with the solution will temporarily paralyze fish. As the fish are now docile, they are easily collected before the effects were off in 15 minutes or so.  Do not play or fondle with trout while they are paralyzed, no one likes to be abducted.

In a river, water flowing through and past a rock will create vortices. The whirling force of these vortices allow trout to sling shot upstream like magic.  The trout has a unique body that can meander freely and with a flick of its tail, it can shoot up stream really quick. Similar to a baseball pitching machine where 2 spinning wheels in contact with the ball makes the ball launch in the air.

One of the documentary demonstrations will be filming a dead trout swim underwater. Placing a dead trout in a river and behind a rock will appear as if the fish is swimming. The meandering body of the fish stays within the vortices made by water flow. A string attached to the rock and fish’s mouth will keep the trout stationary within the vortices. It just keeps on swimming, in one spot, and doesn’t stop.

The vortices are invisible to us when viewing from outside the water, however, the top of the vortices can be seen as black dots either reflected off the surface of the water or seen reflected along the river bottom. They are like little dissipating black holes as they lose momentum.

A beautiful thing nature is, it does not lie and wont try to control you with secretes.  People create secrets to control and hide from others. We humans are only as sick as our secrets. 


Follow the birds and all that nature provides us. The rock, the tree, and yes, the water.

The water holds information in ice.

For this documentary, a screenplay is needed and much more. If you want to join or lead this unique world-changing documentary and have the skills to help communicate and educate this information in a creative and fun way, please contact myself (Jeff) at the below email address.

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